Browse the list of all lockmiths near Carrollton. There are 12 lock and key professionals located near you in Carrollton, Texas and listed by their name alphabetically. Find a Locksmith near you rated by your neighborhood in the list below or search the map to view complete information of the local offices including hours of operation, 24/7 services and contact details.
Call the Locksmith Hotline toll free at: (321) 294-0415 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, or search by postal-code to locate the nearest business in your area.
1 | 1st Quality Lock & Key - 2803 W 15th, Carrollton, TX 75006 | details |
2 | 24 Hour Locksmith - 2204 Kelly Blvd, Carrollton, TX 75006 | details |
3 | A-1 Locksmith - Addison - 2001 Midway RdSte 110, Carrollton, TX 75006 | details |
4 | A-1 Locksmith - Carrollton - 2508 Highlander WaySte 230, Carrollton, TX 75006 | details |
5 | Aasby Locksmtih - 3028 Ravine Trl, Carrollton, TX 75007 | details |
6 | Alpha Lock Security - 1101 S Josey Ln, Carrollton, TX 75006 | details |
7 | Carrollton Locksmith - 2145 N Josey Ln, Carrollton, TX 75006 | details |
8 | L o c k smith 1 al - 2205 E Hebron Pkwy, Carrollton, TX 75010 | details |
9 | Lock-It-Down Locksmith - 4207 Harvest Hill Rd, Carrollton, TX 75010 | details |
10 | Lock-It-Down Locksmith, LLC - 4207 Harvest Hill Rd, Carrollton, TX 75010 | details |
11 | Metro-Keys Locksmith Service - 1235 S Josey LnSte 662, Carrollton, TX 75006 | details |
12 | Security Tex - 1818 N I-35 E, Carrollton, TX 75006 | details |
Emergency | Residential |
Automotive | Commercial |