Browse the list of all lockmiths near Grand Prairie. There are 14 lock and key professionals located near you in Grand Prairie, Texas and listed by their name alphabetically. Find a Locksmith near you rated by your neighborhood in the list below or search the map to view complete information of the local offices including hours of operation, 24/7 services and contact details.
Call the Locksmith Hotline toll free at: (321) 294-0415 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, or search by postal-code to locate the nearest business in your area.
1 | 24 7 Grand Prairie Available Emergency Loc - 2309 February Ln, Grand Prairie, TX 75050 | details |
2 | A-Aal - 24-7 Locksmiths, Grand Prairie, TX 75051 | details |
3 | Accel Towing - 131 SE 14th St, Grand Prairie, TX 75050 | details |
4 | Accent Lock & Key - PO Box 532694, Grand Prairie, TX 75053 | details |
5 | Affordable Locksmith DFW - 3355 Red Mine Ln, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 | details |
6 | Barron Locks - 1104 Maria Dr, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 | details |
7 | David's Emergency Lock Service - 1423 Small St, Grand Prairie, TX 75050 | details |
8 | Justin's Locksmithing - 2925 Trilene Dr, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 | details |
9 | Keys For Everyone - 2844 Park Springs Dr, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 | details |
10 | Paris Drive 24 Hour Emergency Lcoksmith - 1605 Paris Dr, Grand Prairie, TX 75050 | details |
11 | PDQ Lock DOC - 2421 S Carrier Pkwy, Grand Prairie, TX 75051 | details |
12 | Tip's Lock and Key - 2321 Ingleside Dr, Grand Prairie, TX 75050 | details |
13 | Total Locksmith Services - 2214 Glacier Park Ln, Grand Prairie, TX 75050 | details |
14 | Trump Security and Locks - 146 NE 3rd St, Grand Prairie, TX 75050 | details |
Emergency | Residential |
Automotive | Commercial |